"Discipline is the bridge between goals + accomplishments." - Jim Rohn
Ok, great... but how do you stay disciplined in your biz when you also have a full-time job, a bunch of kids, a house to keep clean, and a to-do list that never seems to end? Look, I get it. I worked as a teacher in the beginning stages of building this business. I had another baby and juggled parenting through a pandemic. Our house might not be the cleanest on the block but it's also not going to be featured on some reality TV show about the messiest homes in Canada 🤣
Here are our 4 top tips for improving your self-discipline while you build your business.
✨ Remove distractions. Want to improve your focus while you work? Put your phone on airplane mode + install the SelfControl app on your computer to block distraction websites for a set period of time. You don't have to willpower your way through work hours when there are tools to support you!
✨ Schedule breaks + rewards. Working on writing a book? Treat yourself when you hit certain word counts. Trying to get a month of content organized? Work in 20 minute blocks with 5 minute breaks.
✨ Get super freaking crystal clear on what you want to achieve... and why. If you reaching a certain rank in your company + getting a bonus is the difference between your child being able to play hockey (or not), you're far more likely to show up to do the things you need to do. So, make sure you know what you want to achieve and the impact that will have on your life (and the lives of the people you love).
✨ Take care of yourself. Self-discipline doesn't mean working 80 hours a week or hustling your way to burnout. You also need to make sure that you're eating well, moving your body, spending time with your family, or doing the things you love.
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