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Rock Your Free Community gives you the best, done-for-you, plug-and-play free challenge content, so that you can stop spinning your wheels when it comes to invites... and start building relationships, generating new leads every month, signing up more challengers, and creating a even bigger impact!


You know you want to cultivate connections in your little corner of the internet.

But why does it feel like such a struggle? You finally get an hour to work, and you end up feeling like:

  • "There aren't enough hours in the day!"
  • "I have to mentor my coaches, check in my challengers, and make dinner for my family... when am I supposed to create free group content?!"
  • "I'm sending invites... why aren't they buying?"
  • "I don't even know where to begin. The creative thing is not my jam."
  • "I just want to help more people... I need a clone!"

We get it - it's super frustrating! You are an incredible coach and you have a heart for helping people. And we're here to help.

Imagine what it will be like when:

✔️  You run an amazing free challenge every single month... and all you have to do is schedule the content.

✔️  You provide incredible value to your cold audience... turning them into raving fans (and rockstar challengers).

✔️  You constantly have a place to invite to - that way, when you hear "No, thanks" to your paid coaching, you can offer your free community as a place to support them in their goals.

✔️ You know that when you launch a new program, people will see the value immediately because you have fostered those relationships leading up to your launch.

✔️ You get more time back to mentor your coaches and work on your big goals, because you aren't doing every single thing in your biz.

✔️ You provide value and keep engagement even when you aren't running a free group.


Rock Your Free Community

A monthly membership for coaches who want to create connections + build an amazing free community, so they can grow + scale their impact in the world.

Here's what you can expect when you sign up for Rock Your Free Community:

  • Information for setting up your free community (so you don't have to worry if you're starting for scratch)
  • Community cover photo options that you can add your branding fonts + colours, team name, and personality to
  • A short challenge to run in your free community each month
  • Monthly Instagram stories to promote your monthly free challenge
  • A newsletter blurb each month to encourage people to join your free community
  • Weekly content ideas to post in your free community when you're not running a free challenge

Content for the month is uploaded on the 5th of each month.

Rock Your Free Community Quarterly Subscription for $45
Rock Your Free Community Monthly Subscription for $16
Our upcoming monthly themes are:
 January: Foundations to Flourish
February: Elevate & Grow: A 5-Day Mindset Challenge
 March: Bite-Sized Bootcamp (daily snack swaps)
April: Make Fitness fun: 5-Day Bootcamp
May: Reclaim Your Confidence: 5-Day Mindset Challenge
June: Meal Planning 101


And don't forget we have a 5 Day Free Bod Group option for you as well if you want to swap it out for one of our themed months.
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